SMB2020 subgroup Poster Prize: Fernando Luiz Pio dos Santos
I would like first to thank my collaborators Professors Mostafa B. (from Univ. of Bordeaux, France), Elmadhi E. (Univ. of Cadi Ayyad, Morocco) and Fahd K(Univ. of Cadi Ayyad, Morocco), where without them nothing of this would be possible to achieve.
Our work is an investigation of dengue disease spread using a PDE mathematical model with a diffusion term as the mobility for both populations, human and mosquito. We simulated scenarios for the disease using data with respect to dengue in Brazil.
We also analyzed the dynamic of the disease applied mechanical control in the aquatic phase of mosquito, in order to minimize the infected human population. We may conclude that optimal control is the more accurate result in terms of government investments of dengue disease detraction.